Joy is an inward state that is always available

Oct 01, 2022
Joy is an inward state that is always available. Terry Horton Coaching. Life Coaching. Woman on the beach.

Joy is an inward state that is always available. Yet, it can be hard to remember to access it. The Book of Joy is a lovely book by His Holiness the Dalia Lama and Archbishop Desmond Tutu. The book references emotions associated with joy: pleasure, amusement, contentment, excitement, relief, wonder, bliss, exultation, radiant pride, elevation, gratitude, etc. Get curious about how to tap into your inner joy through these associated states of being. Joy is always accessible and doesn’t require external circumstances to be a certain way. Find your favorite way to remind yourself that joy is your birthright. Try a gratitude practice, yoga, a dance party, or anything else that makes it easy to feel joy. Find ways to connect with your joy every day. Where is your easiest path back to joy for you?