Year of Yes
Jan 11, 2023
Shonda Rhimes has a great Ted Talk from 2016 (and an eventual book), where she says,
“For one year, I would say yes to all the things that scared me. Anything that made me nervous, took me out of my comfort zone, I forced myself to say yes to…. And a crazy thing happened: the very act of doing the thing that scared me undid the fear, made it not scary.”
My example of something that scares me is video recordings. Historically, I avoid opportunities to be recorded. At this point in my career, I probably should have overcome this, but something about the permanence of a video recording (and the lighting!) isn’t my cup of tea. Yet, I know videos are so helpful when trying to be of service to a larger audience.
Recently, I had my chance to say yes. I have a lovely client who asked me to record a course to be distributed to locations throughout their company. This opportunity included a professional videographer, a green screen, and a teleprompter.
I just reviewed the result, and it looks pretty good. Not perfect, but good enough to help people learn. So, what’s your Shonda Rhimes-inspired “feel the fear and say yes anyway” challenge you want to give yourself?