Terry Horton Coaching
I finally picked up a copy of Brené Brown’s book, “Atlas of the Heart.” It’s a beautiful anthology of human emotions.
I immediately flipped to the section on joy and found this lovely excerpt:
“Researchers describe the relationship between joy and gratitude as...
What’s getting in the way of living your best life?
I know you know this: it could be you. Your daily habits of thought and behavior may be causing you to feel stuck, unhappy, or unfulfilled. That doesn’t sound good.
How do you want to feel? When I ask this question, the answer is...
You are naturally creative, resourceful, and whole.
My coach training offers this beautiful phrase. This concept is a differentiator between coaching and other modalities that might be looking to diagnose, treat, heal, or fix you. There is nothing broken here. You’ve got this.
What shifts...